RETRO.HK Gaming Expo 2022

RETRO.HK Gaming Expo 2022 was brought to you by the Department of Social Sciences, Department of Art and Design of Hang Seng University and RETRO.HK to bring you several days of gaming from Thursday the 27th October to Saturday the 29th of October 2022 at Hang Seng University in Siu Lek Yuen. As always, admission were free!

In its 8th year this free non-profit volunteer run event welcomed fans of video games of all ages. Our aim was to let attendees get their hands on classic games, learn the history of video games and experience selected video games with Hong Kong scenes and game works that have won design/art awards in the past for everyone to experience!

We did this through a variety of activities:

– Free Play arcade and home video games for everyone to play
– Experience video games with Hong Kong scenes and games that won design/art awards
– Game history exhibition
– Retro Cup Game Competition with prizes
– Game developers demonstrating their games
– Video game themed music and entertainment